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Posted 2021-11-19 13:15:07 by

Are you looking for a transformational and cost-effective solution to a pressing business challenge? Something that will provide the required resources and expertise, enabling you to enter that new market, increase productivity, or develop a new product?

Government-funded Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) allow businesses to recruit a well-qualified graduate, often with industry experience, to work on an innovation project and benefit from the University’s knowledge and facilities. The government grant covers 67% and 50% of the project costs for SME and large organisations respectively; including the graduate’s salary, HR support, equipment, training and travel.

Previous KTP results have included: 25% increase in sales and 75% increase in profitability, 200% increased profitability due to significant cost reduction, and an increased turnover from £4.3m to £8.8m.

The University of Portsmouth can assist businesses with Knowledge Transfer Partnerships.

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