Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture - CR&D Competition Launch, 7th March 2023, online
Innovate UK KTN are inviting businesses to attend this dedicated briefing webinar for the Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture CR&D competition to ask questions directly to the expert leads at Innovate UK and Research Councils.
The session is intended to address general questions around the competition scope and individual project queries wil not be covered.
About the sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture CR&D competition:
UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £12 million for projects under the Sustainable bio-based materials and manufacture programme. This funding is from Innovate UK, BBSRC and EPSRC jointly. The aim of this competition is to develop the design and delivery of new and disruptive sustainable biomanufacturing by 2050. Enabling the UK to be more globally competitive by supporting Collaborative Research & Development (CR&D) across different industries and sectors.
Scope (subject to change), eligibility and details of the CR&D funding call will be outlined in the webinar.
There will also be an opportunity to pitch and network to find partners for proposed projects.
This competition is open to academics, SMEs, RTOs and businesses.
The event will take place online on 7th March 10.00-13.00. For more information and to register please click here.
The CR&D funding call opens 7th March 2023 for 8 weeks (closing date 3rd May 2023).