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Posted 2024-01-19 12:53:08 by

The Government, in collaboration with industry, is setting up the shipbuilding Skills Delivery Group (SDG) to oversee and drive delivery of the recommendations of the UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskforce. The UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskfoce will now stand down following publication of its report A Step Change in UK Shipbuilding Skills and supporting toolkit for shipbuilding employers, How to Leverage the UK Skills System.

One of the most critical enablers of a thriving UK shipbuilding enterprise is a highly skilled workforce, to drive innovation and productivity across the industry and increase global competitiveness. Government and industry are working in partnership to ensure this priority is effectively addressed.

With a focus on delivery, the Skills Delivery Group will engage with employers, governments across the Union and educators nationwide: helping industry leverage the skills system across the UK to meet its needs; helping industry attract, retain and develop talent; promoting equality, diversity and inclusion and helping develop the skills of the future.

The National Shipbuilding Office is seeking to recruit a chair and members to serve in this newly established Skills Delivery Group to oversee and drive delivery of the recommendations of the UK Shipbuilding Skills Taskforce report and to be a continuous advocate for shipbuilding skills in the sector. If you are interested in collaborating with senior leaders across industry and government, developing best practice insight from comparable sectors and playing a transformative role in the future skills landscape of UK Shipbuilding please see further information here on how to apply:

For more information please click here.