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Posted 2020-08-28 15:17:09 by Admin

The European Commission's Annual Growth Survey has identified a growing skills gap affecting particular knowledge-intensive sectors and has highlighted the importance for education and industry to work together to resolve this.

To assist with this the European Commission has established a Blue Careers program and through it is funding the MarLEM (Maritime and Logistics Engineering and Management) project .

The project's objective is to develop a Joint Masters course in Maritime and Logistics Engineering and Management meeting the sector's needs and to have the potential to be adopted for use by European Maritime Universities.

To achieve this the project partners are launching a co-operation network to converse with members of Academia, Industry and Authorities throughout Europe.

If you would like to know more about the project or to participate in the 'Knowledge Triangle' please contact David Rea (Marine South East)

MarLEM is co-financed by the European Union European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.