Email News September 2018
Welcome to the September 2018 Email Newsletter from Marine South East
If you would like to submit an article for consideration please email the text and a suitable image or logo to
Posted 2018-08-14 08:12:43
MCA Consultation on Changes to Regulations for Pleasure Vessels
The MCA is seeking feedback from the public and small craft industry on some recent clarifications which will address a gap in the regulatory framework for temporary commercial use either for Business Purposes or as a Race Support Boat.
This consultation closes at 11:59pm on 26th September 2018.
The MCA has worked closely with British Marine, RYA, and the Yacht Brokers, Designers and Surveyors Association (YBDSA) to develop a new Code to allow for Pleasure Vessels to be in temporary commercial use at sea for specific purposes (explained below). This is a very positive step to provide a framework for what we know is wanted by the Pleasure Vessel sector.
For more information and details on how to comment please visit:
Posted 2018-08-21 08:11:05
Sign up to receive updates on marine business opportunities surrounding Multi-Use Platforms at Sea
In the coming years, the world’s oceans will see a growing development of marine infrastructures including offshore wind farms, marine aquaculture farms and offshore ports. These will provide business opportunities for a wide variety of marine businesses from designers, boat builders, marine service companies and aquaculture businesses.
The development of such structures and facilities will create increasing pressures and must be implemented in an integrated and sustainable way in order to limit the impacts on marine ecosystems.
Offshore Platforms (also known as Multi-Use Platforms at Sea, or MUPS) can represent a solution to meet these growing demands of competition for space as well as socio-economic benefits for the different activities.
In order to find out more about the business opportunities of Multi-Use Platforms at Sea please sign up to receive regular updates, details of events and business opportunities and findings from the various projects Marine South East is involved with looking at these offshore multi-use structures.
Please follow the link below to sign up to the interest group.
The group is free to join and no data will be shared or disseminated.
ENTROPI is co-funded by the EU Maritime and Fisheries Fund.
Posted 2018-08-22 12:37:13
Government commits £780m to Catapult Centres to help UK businesses exploit new technologies
HM Treasury has announced an additional £780m funding for its Catapult Centres which have already helped over 3,000 companies develop and exploit new technologies. Find out what the Catapult Centres can do for your business.
If you're a UK business, you can use the Innovate UK Catapult Centres to access technical facilities and expertise. You can get support to help you adopt, develop and exploit your innovation.
A number of the Catapult Centres have direct relevance to the marine sector including:
* High Value Manufacturing Catapult
* Energy Systems Catapult
* Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult
* Satellite Applications Catapult
* Transport Systems Catapult
Marine South East works closely with a number of these Catapults on various projects and you can find out more about what the Catapult Centres do at the following link:
Posted 2018-08-21 16:03:27
Women in Innovation Awards
UK business women can apply for one of 8 Women in Innovation Awards: £50,000 funding each and a bespoke package of mentoring, coaching and business support.
Innovate UK, as part of UK Research and Innovation, is looking for women who are rising stars in business innovation. Applicants must be confident, with the support of an award, that they can make a significant contribution to one of the Industrial Strategy Grand Challenges:
* Artificial intelligence and data
* Ageing society
* Clean growth
* Future of mobility
Innovate UK are offering 8 Women in Innovation Awards. The winners will receive a £50,000 grant and a bespoke package of mentoring, coaching and business support.
The aim of this competition is to find women with exciting, innovative ideas and ambitious plans that will inspire others.
The competition is split into 2 phases. In phase 1 the written application will be assessed by independent experts. In phase 2 the shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by a panel of experts.
The awards are for female founders, co-founders or senior decision makers working in companies that have been operating for at least one year.
Each award will provide £50,000 of funding. Awards must start by 1 April 2019 and will last for one year.
Competition closes: Wednesday 3 October 2018 12:00pm
For more information please visit:
Posted 2018-08-14 08:16:50
Business South Making Mental Health Work, 12th September 2018, Southampton
Join Business South and fellow professionals interested in the People Agenda from across Southern England for an interactive workshop focused on mental health in the workplace, delivered by mental health expert Lee Loveless.
The interactive workshop will:
* Provide an opportunity to experience some practical approaches, techniques and skills
* Give an overview of mental health awareness
* Test mental health perceptions and knowledge
* Discuss The business case for fostering an open and positive mental health environment
* Provide insights into what works in the business environment
* Provide best practice ideas to take back to your own workplace
The session will also give delegates the chance to share their experiences and discuss mental health with other local employers.
Lee Loveless is the Director at Supporting Minds Consultancy and has worked in mental health services and public health for over 18 years. He is a qualified Mental Health First Aid trainer and has extensive experience delivering mental health awareness training to businesses in the commercial industry and public sector, including local authorities and the NHS.
The event takes place on Wednesday 12th September 2018, 7.45am - 10.00am
at the Grand Harbour Hotel - West Quay Road, Southampton, SO15 1AG.
The event is free of charge.
For more information please visit:
Posted 2018-08-13 14:58:29
Practical Surveying for Small Craft Marine Surveyors, 12th-13th September 2018, Southampton
This unique YDSA two-day practical course is designed to provide hands-on experience which will be invaluable to new and aspiring marine surveyors. The course is aimed at those new to surveying but who will already have some relevant background within the marine industry.
The Yacht Designers and Surveyors Association is the leading UK professional association specialising in small craft surveying across the full range of vessels - from RIBS to large yachts (under 24m for MCA registration (tonnage) and coding).
The areas to be covered will include:
* GRP lay-up, hull structure, practical hands-on experience in lamination
* Surveying a GRP hull, Inspection, tools, tap testing, moisture testing
* Report writing, assimilation of data
* Skin fittings, seals, stern gear, keels, rudders
* Taking a core sample, fitting your own skin fitting to your own GRP panel
* Teak Decks and reporting on their condition
The course will be led by YDSA committee member Julian Smith of Hamble Marine Surveys Ltd, and Duncan Weeks from Vortec Marine, a qualified shipwright with many years of experience working on a vast range of vessels.
The course will be held at Universal Marina, Crableck Lane, Sarisbury Green, Southampton, Hants SO31 7ZN.
There is parking on site - this is Pay & Display. Please ask for a token during the day to exit the car park without paying.
There will be a mixture of classroom and practical sessions throughout the two days. The classroom is also on-site.
Please follow the link to book online: