Maritime decarbonisation reports library
Posted 2021-01-20 11:59:02 by
MSE International is maintaining a collection of relevant articles and papers relating to maritime decarbonisation which are available to download from our website here. The summary below gives an overview of the current papers which are listed. This library will be updated as and when new papers are published; members of the interest group are welcome to suggest additional papers and downloads to be added.
- Department of Transport Clean Maritime Plan 2050 - published 2019 - this document sets out the UK Governments committment Clean Maritime 2050 and the UK's pathway to zero emissions shipping. Click here to download this document.
- Reducing the Maritime Sector's Contribution to Climate Change and Air Pollution - this paper looks at the economic opportunities from Low and Zero Emission Shipping and was compiled for the Department of Transport. Click here to download this document.
- British Ports Association; Reducing Emissions from Shipping in Ports: Examining the barriers to shore power. This report was published in May 2020 by the British Ports Association. Click here to download this document.
- Ports: Green gateways to Europe - This report has been put together by NDV-GL with input from Eurelectric; it defines 10 transitions to turn ports into decarbonisation hubs. To download the report click here.
- Decarbonising Shipping: All Hands on Deck - has been put together by Shell Shipping & Maritime and reflects the perspective of 82 shipping leaders on how to decarbonise shipping. Click here to download this report.
- Review of the NAEI shipping emissions methodology was put together by Ricardo Energy & Environment for the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy in 2017. The report describes the methodology and results of modelling methodology to estimate the emissions of shipping for the UK's National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI). Click here to download the report.