Keep up to date with the Atlantic Blue Ports project via their latest newsletter
Find out about the latest activities in the Atlantic Blue Ports project, of which MSE is a project partner, via their latest newsletter which is available to download here.
The latest issue of the Atlantic Blue Ports newsletter contains items on:
- Sea Watering results from the Port of Seville
- Ballast water discharge assessment in the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- Details of a biological risk assessment tool from Bentley
- An article about Ballast Water Exchange and Scrubber Waste regulations from Captain Michael McCarthy
The Atlantic Blue Ports project aims to improve port based services for the discharge and treatment of ships effluents including oil and ballast water. The project's goal is to create awareness and motivation to stop discharge at sea using the Atlantic Area as a support platform to prototype, test, demonstrate and communicate activities. The project has gathered together a consortium of 28 partners and associated stakeholders representing ports, PRF operators, public authorities, SMEs and universities from across the Atlantic Area.
Past newsletters, videos and other documents can all be downloaded from the Atlantic Blue Ports website here.
Anyone interested in being kept up to date with the project, its activities and events should subscribe to the Interest Group here.