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Posted 2022-02-25 13:15:54 by

The Advancing Earth Observation Forum has launched their series of webinars which will connect the Earth Observation community every two months from November 2021 to June 2022, leading up to the Forum in August 2022 in Brisbane.

To find out more about the upcoming webinars and watch the November 2021 webinar on 'Engaging with Australia's Analytics Data Hubs,' and February 2022, webinar on 'Drone-based Earth observation - rapidly growing roles in Earth observation sciences and applications,' please follow the link:

The webinar topics for this year are as follows:

  1. Engaging with Australia’s Analytics Data Hubs - 17 November 2021

  2. Drone Earth Observation – critical pillars in Earth observation sciences and applications - 2 February 2022

  3. How do industry and government work together to build and deliver a sustainable and viable EO industry?

  4. Airborne Earth observation - critical pillars in Earth observation sciences and applications

  5. Earth Observation in Asia-Australia-Oceania : an introductory discussion

  6. How do we work with satellite companies in Australia to improve EO capacity?