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Posted 2022-04-20 09:56:16 by

The INdIGO project; of which MSE International is a partner, is developing biodegradable fishing equipment as well as looking at fishing net regeneration and researching lost fishing gear on the coastline.

The project has just released its 5th newsletter which give updates on results of the survey of fishermen regarding their existing fishing gear and their thoughts on the use of new biodegradable equipment. The newsletter also highlights the issue of abandoned, lost or discarded gear and its threat to the oceans and discusses the INdIGO Citizen Science project called Fish & Click which is asking the public to record discarded fishing equipment found on beaches and in the sea.

The newsletter also highlight the visits by the project partners to important sites in France where the biodegradable nets are being produced and to areas where mussel farming is taking place on the foreshore. To view this latest newsletter please click here.

Fish & Click was recently presented as an example of a citizen science project at a conference on civic engagement held in Paris in March 2022.

More information about this important research project can be found here with details about how the general public can record their beach findings to further our research.

For more information about the INdIGO project please click here and to sign up to future project newsletters please subscribe here.