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Posted 2022-06-08 09:27:32 by

The Department for Transport recently announced the first package under the £206m UK SHORE R&D programme. 

Following on from the COP26 Clydebank Declaration, the package includes funding for detailed feasibility studies on UK international and non-ferry domestic green corridors. These studies will explore the technical, operational, regulatory and commercial feasibility of establishing UK green corridors and develop clear implementation plans for the real-world establishment of said corridors, laying the groundwork for successful future UK green corridor projects.   

Successful international green corridors will require the formation of consortia from across the full value chain, including (an) international port/ports. As such, there is provision in the Competition guidelines for international organisations to bid for funding as sub-contractors within a consortium with suitable UK partners.  

This webinar will provide detail on the feasibility study funding as well as hearing from colleagues already working on proposals for specific green shipping corridors. 

Please see the link below to register for this online Green Corridors Feasibility Study Briefing on 17th June 2022.